International Top Spinners Association

Are you a spintop player?Logo of ITSA
Are you a collector of spinning tops?
Are you a turner, maker or designer of tops?

Become an I.T.S.A. member!


To promote the sport, game, art and hobby of playing with spinning tops, a universal toy.

To accomplish this goal it will:

• Facilitate the interaction of enthusiasts from around the world.
• Organize contests, workshops and events.
• Serve as a repository of the different traditions.
• Teach new generations of players.

Open to every spinning top enthusiast in the world. Our interests range from finger tops to giant tops, from antique tops to new designs, from whip tops to acrobatic tops. Participate online no matter where you are.

With your donation of $10 usd you become a full member for de calendar year!

If you’re not ready to donnate, you can still become a junior member for free:

Do you want to really support the spintop community ?

Become a Sponsor Member!


Sponsor members will be aknowledged on site by their name if individuals or logo and a link if entities. The size and location will depend on the donation level.

Please, send email to: treasurer (at) or use the message box bellow:

You can also read the ITSA bylaws:

Contact ITSA

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